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Be Like a Bird Except Don't Eat Bugs

Trees, sunset, storm clouds
Light and dark contrast

This past week has been a series of punches in the gut on several fronts. I feel like going crazy, but I just don't have time for it. Sigh.

Prayer and reading the Bible are sustaining me. Those disciplines should sustain me every day; hardships just bring to light just how much they are needed.

The Bible tells us not to worry, and we see plenty of examples in nature of that principle.

I love looking at the birds in our yard. They just sing through the day and eat bugs, and they don't worry. I don't want to eat the bugs, but the singing and not worrying is appealing.

On to lighter aspects of our week:

  • Kal and Kara are painting everything in sight. Kris went to Hobby Lobby (wonderful Hobby Lobby) to fulfill yet more requests for paint and canvases from the kids. Oil paints are the newest source of gray hairs for me.

  • Kal and Kara are also sewing everything in sight, both by machine and hand. I didn't provide hours of instruction either way, just little starting points, and they are taking off. Our house has been bursting with new pillows and bags of all sorts. They supplied some family friends with gifts in fun fabrics.

  • Back to Hobby Lobby: you can count on them to have your Fall and Christmas decorations in June. Yes. My kids couldn't believe how early they put out the seasonal decorations. I started getting giddy about Fall, then I realized I just need to enjoy the summer, and it's still technically Spring.

  • I love hearing my children on the phone. They call just before I finish up at the shop, while Kris is home with them, to ask for everything under the sun. Lately, pizza is most requested. Their voices still have a beautiful, childish quality that I'm savoring while it lasts.

  • Kris and I had a nice bike ride last evening close to sunset. There's a field by our edition that showcases the sun perfectly as it sets. The picture above was taken on another evening bike ride, looking at the effect of a sunset on trees with storm clouds in the sky. Interesting light combination.

  • Fun Uncle Joel came to visit last night. Kal loves him because he's a good video game buddy.

Star Wars light switch cover
Good and Evil captured in a single switch plate

One last fun note: I'm married to a Star Wars fan which means things like this light switch plate show up at our house randomly.

B.Happy peanut butter
B.Happy peanut butter: true to its name

Oh, I thought of one more thing: I can't recommend stress eating, but if that's something you want to do, be sure to use this peanut butter (made in Indiana!) to accomplish that end. It's on the level of candy.


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