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Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow

Today is full of random thoughts. It started with snuggles with my family. I love that time. One day, I won't be able to do that, so I'm soaking it up now on our last slow day before school starts again.

School brings routine; I love routine. I'll also go back to my shop tomorrow. Whenever I take a break from sewing past my normal weekly day off, I pay for it royally when I return. But I'm not one bit sorry for taking off the past two weeks to be with my kids and husband. Even my home seemed happy to have me there.

Guess what? I accomplished two goals I set for this break! The cabinets are done, and I helped my daughter organize her room. It needs more minute organizing, but that may never happen. Functional is all we aimed for, and we hit it. We set the timer for one hour, did a major pick-up-put-away during that time, along with tossing junk. In just over one hour, her room was neat and tidy, the bed made, and we had vacuumed the floor. Win!

On to the random thoughts this morning: because He lives, I can face tomorrow. I love the truth in that hymn. My faith in Jesus brings with it the security of knowing my final destiny and knowing that this world will not forever be marred by evil.

Kris and I were talking about life this morning. It can be depressing having dreams still inside yourself, but then see life flying by faster than you can catch it.

But guess what? (I know I just said that twice in one blog post. Bad form, but it's staying.) We're not dead! Life is full of hope and opportunity. Age brings different perspectives, different opportunities, and hopefully some wisdom, to apply ourselves in the best way.

So... I'm off to go happen to this day!


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