We've had a few more whiplash days this week, although, I guess I should reclassify them from whiplash to something that would be more expected. We did get the weather that was forecast, complete with negative temperatures and wind chills, so it wasn't a surprise when the school called right at 6:30 each prior evening to change the next school day.
So here's some of what has been happening:
Here's a bunny face to start off the writing.

Our new furnace is in. Obviously the heat was off during the almost 12-hour installation. The house interior dropped during that time to about 58F degrees. With a few sweaters, it wasn't that bad.
I try every day to thank the Lord for supplying basic needs, especially heat on cold days. It's easy to take our constant supply of necessities for granted until one of those things is gone. So, getting back to basics and really remembering who supplies all our needs on a daily basis is very important.
We missed the trash guy this week. With school being closed and my week being changed, I really just forgot what day it was.
Kal still is going out in the snow barefoot. He doesn't stay out very long like that, and since he isn't getting frostbite, I don't fuss about it. He does have adequate clothing and footwear if he would choose to wear them.
I shed a few tears when this wonderful coffee was all used. Forget Starbucks. This Black Rifle Coffee Company brand is tasty as can be and made by people who love our country.

Kal tried to teach me more about the Fortnight video game. Am I even spelling that right? I think it's mispelled as Fortnite for the game title. It had to be completely frustrating to him to watch me lose control of the controllers as my guy ran into everything and looked around at a dizzying pace. Then I just wanted to see the houses and landscape. He was trying to tell me what to shoot while I needed answers as to exactly why we were shooting. Give me Tetris any day. Still it was good time with my boy.
The question of what to have for dinner was hanging in the air when we called my brother and his almost wife to see if they wanted to come over for a non-planned dinner with food we'd make up from nowhere. He suggested pizza, and that hit the spot as it always does. Plus it answered the dinner question that hangs in the air every single day.
I've been somewhat emotional today upon learning that Rush Limbaugh died this morning from lung cancer. Love him or hate him, he was quite a trailblazer in the talk radio world. I will miss his familiar voice. Mortality is a reality for everyone.
On that somber note, I've taken more care today to enjoy and love my family. We really don't know what time we have here on Earth.
Here's a bunny butt to finish off the writing. What a hard-knock life for him.
