Life isn't any fun without some embarrassment, or potential for embarrassment, here and there.
What I'm talking about is the dance fitness class I just took on Friday night. If you were one of the fine ladies in there and didn't know who I was, you would recognize me as the one who was moving to the music sometimes, usually lost on the steps, and grinning from the fun of it all.
Embarrassing? It would have been if I cared what anyone thought. But I just had fun instead.

Guess where I'd like to be today? It's sunny here in Indiana and above 40F degrees, though. Not bad for March.
Choosing a coffee cup for the day is like choosing an outfit. It has to feel right to be right. Navarre Beach in Florida feels right. And I can daydream, can't I?
The yard at my now Unstinky House is surprising me this Spring. The first surprise was how much trash blew into the yard from who-knows-where, and how much the earth is vomiting up from the previous owners. I cleaned it all up last Fall, but there's just more that keeps surfacing. Anyway, the prettier parts of the Unstinky Yard are the clumps of tulips, daffodils, and crocuses emerging from the ground.

Plants are always a fresh reminder of hope, life, renewal, hardiness, and happiness--at least the ones outside.
Don't ask me about the fate of all the indoor plants I've had.