I'm in a play this weekend. Tonight is Opening Night.
We've been through a tough tech week. If you're not familiar with the backside of a play, Tech Week is when you have all the set pieces, you're in the space where you'll perform, the orchestra is with you, and the lighting and sound guys are figuring out their pieces. It's when the play finally starts feeling like a play.
It's when I also start chasing squirrels. I didn't have much trouble with it before this week.
The most prominent time was just before my entrance onto a scene. I dutifully stood behind the set piece paying close attention to what was being said.
Close attention. The sound hits strangely in that particular spot, and it's hard to hear what is being said.
I listened for my cue. I concentrated so hard on it.
Then there was a squirrel.
I have no recollection of what type of thought that squirrel was, but I started chasing it in my mind. I suddenly realized all was quiet, and the director came on the mic asking where Miss Sandra was.
I'm Miss Sandra. Behind a set piece when I'm supposed to be in front of it.
