Note: This is a compilation of several days of writing.
We've had beautiful blooms on the rose bushes; and on the walks around our neighborhood, there are brilliant purple blooms at one lady's house.
I finally found out the tree's name which is prevalent in the South: it has fluffy pink flowers sitting right on top of droopy green leaves. It's a mimosa tree.
Saturday was a brunch for my almost-sister-in-law. She and my brother are getting married next Sunday. My sister, who played hostess, set up a beautiful table loaded with breakfast and brunch goodies all on fancy dishes.
Dishes make a difference. Even though I believe in paper plates now after being a mom, I still love the fancy china and crystal that makes food taste better.
You know what a charcuterie board is? It what our mothers always called a relish tray.
Relish or vegetable or meat & cheese tray sounds so boring and ordinary. But call it charcuterie, and you have a dish dainty enough to keep your little pinky out while you're eating it.
I had a mom-fail this month. Normal 4-Hers scramble around during the month of June, progressively getting more frenzied as the judging date draws near, all with the goal of perfecting their projects for the Fair.
I didn't do it. I couldn't do it this year. And my brain shorts out thinking of the families whose children each take 15 projects every year. Zzztt!! Zzztt!!
Hopefully, we can pull it off next year. Still, I'll go admire the work of so many children during our county fair this week.
Other things this week:
There were cheers of jubilation tonight as I announced we were cleaning out the refrigerator for dinner. Actually, cheers would be a stretch. More like the groans of the damned.
I'm finding out I have a manager amongst us. One of my children gives me tasks to do and repeatedly follows up with me to see whether the tasks are completed, how soon they will be completed, and if a response from a third party is expected, when that will come in. As a different perspective, I would say it's pestering and nagging, but maybe this child will move mountains one day--or at least make sure someone else does.
Kara made the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had. Same recipe we always use, but totally tantalizing, more so than normal. Maybe I just needed cookies this week.
I've still managed to keep my outdoor potted plants alive, mostly because God took care of watering them. I would have forgotten.
We're being intentional about putting fun on the calendar this summer. Vacation is over, but we still can go to the pool every week, and take some camping trips. Ice creams shops and frisbee golf are on the list, too. It's easy to let time slip away because we're just going through the motions of surviving from day to day, task to task. Scary!
One last thing: stop growing, Kara! She's coming up to me in height.