Sunny. 78 degrees. A perfect day for passing the real estate exam for our state, which is just what I did.
That's been the big test for which I've prepared for what has seemed like forever. I came to the point finally last night, my last possible night to cram for a big test, that I realized I had prepared. I was as prepared as I was ever going to be. Cramming more wouldn't help. I just had to take the test--after some real sleep.
The practice and real exams have used story problems with multiple choice answers that follow one of these formats:
Slate blue; deep blue; navy blue; midnight blue. A truly prepared test taker will know which color the story problem is asking for in all the subtle nuances. My brain hurts from it.
Illegal option 1; illegal option 2; okay option 1; okay option 2. Had to think hard on those after quickly ruling out the illegal options.
Lie; lie; lie; tell the truth. Easy to see the right choice here.
Be a jerk; be a cad; be a reprobate; be a saint. Okay, be a saint.
The tricky ones were: Good option 1; good option 2; good option 3; joke option.
Having that test behind me feels like a millstone is taken away from off me.
During the ride to school, Kal and Kara asked that if I passed the test, would I please take them out for ice cream after school?
Good one, kids! It worked, by the way. Ice cream sounded like the perfect was to celebrate a win.
If you're ever in Peru, Indiana, during the spring, summer, and early fall, be sure to stop by East End for ice cream. It's a walk-up stand with a pizza joint behind it. Cash only. Waffle cones heaped full of the creamiest ice cream. Or have a shake or malt. Maybe a banana split if you want a treat the size of your face.
We met some friends there after school who had no trouble being talked into an ice cream celebration with us. Plus we had Bunny. He just stayed tucked in his little travel carrier, away from the noise and bustle, but loving the fresh air.
