Mother's Day every year is both glad and sad. I'm glad to be a mother and to have my mother and mother-in-law.
I'm sad from missing children who should have been with me, but left this world far too soon.
So glad and sad, it's just the way the day is for me.

Kara had a surprise waiting for me to find on Mother's Day. It was in her room, and I wasn't allowed to see it before hand.
The love in her creation makes this the most beautiful bouquet I've ever received. Thank you, Kara!
I said I'd show an after picture of the garage once the lawn was mown, so here it is with the before picture again.

No more jungle; no more grapevine. No more dead red bud tree, no more nasty black edging in the grass, no more weeds taller than me. No more brush pile taking up an entire corner. No more junk by the garage.
Somebody had grand gardening dreams at one point. I can see the remnants of paver stones, non-weed plants, and trash the Earth continues to vomit up from owners past.
Well, I am a realist when it comes to my botanical skills. I won't actually take good care of a fanciful flower garden, so out it goes.
I'm okay with not being the best gardener on our block. Neat and tidy is all I really care about.
I'll use one of the nice days this week to wash the siding and keep edging the sidewalks.
In the meantime, the backyard looks like it has life again after being choked out for so long. Ahh...